Publishing Policy

Ethics of scientific publishing

-Rights of the journal.
(1) The editorial board may do a preliminary examination of the research and determine its eligibility for arbitration.
(2) The Editor-in-Chief may inform the author of the research, which is not accepted for publication, of the peer-reviewers' opinion or its summary without mentioning the names of the peer-reviewers, and without any obligation to respond to the research author's objection.
(3) The research is considered withdrawn if the researcher delays making the required amendments to the research for a period exceeding one month from the date of receiving the reply from the journal; Unless there is a compelling excuse appreciated by the journal's editorial board.
(4) If the research is not accepted, the journal shall not be obligated to give the reasons.
(5) Priority in publishing accepted research for publication is given based on the date of its acceptance for publication by the journal. The arrangement of research within the issue is subject to the design process.
(6) It is not permissible to publish the research in any other scientific journal after approval has been given for its publication in one of the scientific journals of Dan's peer-reviewed scientific journal
(7) The scientific journal may republish a research - whether on paper or electronically - that it has previously published, without need for the researcher's permission, and it may allow others to include its research in various databases, whether they are paid or free.
(8) No party may use the contents of the journal for commercial purposes without the written approval of its Editor-in-Chief.
(9) Upon acceptance of the research for publication, the right of publication shall be transferred from the author to the journal, and copyrights are reserved to the publisher (Dan Academic Center for Science and Scientific Research). The editorial board may amend the research according to the documentation and linguistic editing system, and the design of tables, graphics, images and texts, if necessary.
(10) Original copies of the research that reach the journal shall not be returned, whether published or not.

The researcher's responsibility and rights.

1. Upon receipt by the journal of the paper, the researcher shall be notified through the designated system on the journal's website and shall be provided with a reference number for the research.
2. The researcher shall be notified of the decision of the initial examination from the member of the editorial board specialized in the field of the submitted research, after the research eligibility for peer-reviewing has been ascertained, within two working weeks from the date of providing the researcher with the research reference number.
3. The researcher shall be notified of the peer-reviewing result by providing them with a summary of the peer-reviewer's opinion, if the research is accepted, or an apology for not publishing the research, if the research did not pass the peer-reviewing stage, two working weeks after the journal's receipt of the peer-reviewers' report.
4. The researcher is granted (a publication acceptance notification) after the comments of the peer-reviewers have been entered and being approved by the concerned member of the editorial board.
5. The journal sends an electronic copy to the researcher of the issue in which their research was published.
6. The researcher may not republish theiartr research published in the journal in any other publication outlet, printed or electronic, without written permission from the journal in which the research or paper was published.
7. The researcher may not withdraw their research after the journal begins the peer-reviewing procedures.
8. The researcher adheres to the standards and guidelines for submitting research and the standards of scientific publishing ethics.
.9. The researcher shall abide by the requirements of scientific integrity and shall respect intellectual property rights.
10. The researcher (in case of joint publication) shall obtain the consent of all researchers, in writing, and shall acknowledge the effort of everyone who participated with the researcher in the preparation of the research.
11. The researcher undertakes not to submit research that has been published, in whole or in part, in any form or any language. They also undertake not to submit the research to any other party while it is being considered by the journal. If the research is accepted for publication, the researcher undertakes not to publish it again without obtaining the prior written approval of the journal.
12. The researcher undertakes to make the amendments stipulated in the peer reviewer' s reports, with justification for what has not been amended.
13. The researcher shall send the research in its final form, after making the corrections, within two weeks from the date of the modifications being requested, through the researcher's electronic page on the journal's website or the journal's e-mail.
14.The researcher undertakes to disclose any conflict of interest that may arise from the research, and they shall disclose the source of all financial support for their research.
15. The materials submitted for publication express the opinions of their authors, and the owners shall be responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the information and conclusions.
16. The research shall be sent in its final version to the researcher to review it before publication. If there are any comments, the researcher shall contact the Editor-in-Chief directly.

The responsibility of the peer reviewer:

1. The reviewer is obligated to respond to the initial acceptance letter to peer review within three days from the date of receiving the letter, and upon approval of review, he/she shall complete the research peer review within a maximum period of two weeks from the date of his acceptance of review.
2. The reviewer shall be committed to scientific integrity in the review of research papers without any prejudice or bias.
3. The reviewer is obliged to reject the review of any research that is outside the scope of his/her specialization or does not have sufficient experience in it.
4. The reviewer shall treat research papers received for review as confidential documents and shall not disclose or discuss them with others except as authorized by the Editor-in-Chief.
5. The reviewer may not exploit the research under review in any way to achieve personal benefit for him/herself or for others without right.
6. The reviewer is obligated to make his/her comments about the research detailed in accordance with the approved review form, and not to be satisfied with the overall examination and review, and to direct his/her remarks to the research and not to the researcher.
7. If the reviewer refers to plagiarism in the scientific material that he/she is review, the reviewer shall refer to the paragraphs in which the plagiarism occurred, along with attaching evidence of that.

Screening for Plagiarism

Manuscripts submitted to Dan's peer-reviewed scientific journal for Science and Research Publishing will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin. This journal will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism until the author addresses the plagiarised parts


A retraction notice will be issued where a major error (e.g. in the analysis or methods) invalidates the conclusions in the article, or where research misconduct or publication misconduct has taken place (e.g. research without required ethical approvals, fabricated data, manipulated images, plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.). The decision to issue a retraction for an article will be made in accordance with . and will involve an investigation by the editorial staff in collaboration with the editor. Authors and institutions may request a retraction of their articles if their reasons meet the criteria for retraction.

Technical conditions for writing research

1. The number of research pages should not exceed 30 pages (21 x 28) A4.
2. To write in Arabic, use the Simplified Arabic font at scale 14, and write the main title at scale 16 in bold.
3. To write in English, Times New Roman is used in scale 12, and the title is written in scale 14. Feedback
4.The Arabic margin is written in scale 12 and in the same font type, while the English margin is written in scale 10 in the same type of font used.
.5. The research summaries must be accompanied by keywords related to it, in both Arabic and English.
.6. The number of pages of references and sources should not exceed 5 pages.
.7. Tables, drawings and figures should be (12 x 18) in size.
.8. References in the text are written in American Psychological Association (APA) style
. The sources are arranged alphabetically at the end of the research according to the author's last name.
. All appendices are mentioned at the end of the research after the references.